App Defaults
I saw this post from Manu, and followed the chain back to where he discovered the idea. I thought why not document my stuff too?
It’s worth noting that my answers change for my day job to all the Microsoft versions of these categories. Also I use Mural for work and for home too (virtual white boarding). So this list is my personal not profession version.
So, here goes…
- Mail Client: Apple Mail
- Mail Server: Apple iCloud mail thing
- Notes: Apple Notes, Thunk Notes
- To-Do: Pen & paper, stickie notes, Apple Reminders, occasionally Things.
- Photo Shooting: iPhone Camera, digital. Lomo Sprocket Rocket and a cheap ass film camera, analog.
- Photo Management: Apple Photos
- Calendar: Apple Calendar
- Cloud File Storage: iCloud
- RSS: Net News Wire
- Contacts: Apple Contacts
- Browser: Safari
- Chat: Apple Messages, Slack, Discord, Facebook chat
- Bookmarks: I rarely bookmark anything, but Safari when I do.
- Read It Later: I dont use anything for this.
- Word Processing: Typora, Apple notes
- Spreadsheets: Apple Numbers, Google Sheets
- Presentations: iaPresenter
- Shopping Lists: Apple Notes
- Meal Planning: Conversations with my family on Saturday and Sunday
- Budgeting and Personal Finance: YNAB
- News:
- Music: Apple Music
- Podcasts: Apple Podcasts
- Password Management: Apple Keychain, and older stuff in 1Password which I dont use too often, still pay for and dont know how to migrate everything to Keychain
- Code Editor: Sublime Text on the rare occassions I touch code. Mostly for my blot theme editing or other random things.