Long Story Short I did something that scares me

I continue to try to get myself “into the room” where conversations are happening, so that I may draw them. Being present and listening, deeply →

Applied Improv

A sketchnote I made from a talk at an internal conference at work, related to Applied Improv. I’ve been studying, practicing, and performing improv →

This rock is changing right before your eyes

Slowly. When I took this photo, the tide was low, but coming in. I’d say that this rock was a part of the land. When the tide is high, the rock →

Futures Design and Thinking

Digital natives grew up with technology and analog things too. Virtual natives have had mostly digital experiences not a lot of analog. So they →

Filler Words

Um, like, filler words are important →

Virtual Natives

A talk on the O’reilly platform from Phil Balagtas →

Second First

I heard this helpful technique or “thought technology” recently. It’s pretty meaningful to me personally so I thought I’d share it to see if it →

Theme for 2024

I really like the way Jordan Hirsch expressed the concept of a yearly theme as something you spend time with. Not a goal you crush (or don’t), or →

Reto Photos - Late Fall 2023

I picked up this cheap film camera called the Reto Ultra Wide and Slim to try it out. It’s made farily well, but… It’s composed of small →

No Zero Days

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. →


Are you in a funk? Learn how to bust it. →

Three Calming Breaths

Breathe →


Get that prefrontal cortex back in the drivers seat →

App Defaults

Software I am using →


We can't see the future, we can create it. →

Productive, Healthy, Connected

Productive, Healthy, Connected, the rest is noise. →

The reward for our work is not what we get, but what we become

What am I becoming because of my work? →

I made a Sketchnote today and you can too

How I make visual notes aka Sketchnotes →



The Vertical Breath, Arrival, and a Lawn Chair

When racket (dot) com was a great and simple podcast like app I recorded a couple little podcasts. This is the first one I made, and I was reminded →

You are the one that hears it

There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing you are not the voice of the mind - - you are the one that hears it. Michael A. Singer →

It just is

Today I learned (or realized I already knew) that the monkey mind’s consistent chatter is neither wrong or right. It just is. The I, the listener of →

Good Enough Job

Pick two →

Run to discomfort

When we are uncomfortable, we tend to distract ourselves. Food, drink, sex, social media, and other thin desires. We distract ourselves from what →


I wanna feel the change consume me, feel the outside turning in →

Ripples in space and time

All of a sudden, we know that we are humming in tune with the entire universe, that each of us contains the signature of everything that has ever →

Self-help synthesized

I found this article called Every self-help book ever, boiled down to 11 simple rules to be quite good. Reading through this helped me make my →

Back to school

I’ve committed to pursuing a Psychology degree starting in the fall of 2023. It should take 1-2 years depending on workload. Then I’ll look into a →

Dead Influencers

The “influencers” I’m most interested in are not on social media. Some of them died long before the internet was invented. Here’s a list of people →

You are a wave

Before you were you, you existed in some unknowable body of water. Some forces came together and caused a joining and you become you. And you →

Sprocket Rocket Photos - June 2023

Weird analog photos, June 2023 Edition. →

Sprocket Rocket Photos - Spring 2023

Weird analog photos, Early Spring 2023 Edition. →

Four Thousand Weeks


I suppose I must

The events from the last 6 years, centered around US politics and global pandemic have brought forth a lot of anxiety in me. I am sure I am not →

A rising tide lifts all boats

What a nice thought. I’ve said it myself when teaching. And when expressing how sharing and helping other people helps us all. It conjures a mind →

The Vertical Breath

I’m fascinated by the concept of the vertical breath. As I understand it right now, this concept flips what we traditionally think of regarding →

The Second Arrow

There’s a line of thinking from Buddhism called The Second Arrow. It has to do with externally caused suffering and self imposed suffering. They way →


all that could be How much more connection we’d have If we all stopped searching for the “perfect pen” Grabbed the one closest to us And →


I was going to update this sketchnote digitally. To clean it up and play with some colors and lettering. Now I think I’ll just let it be. Analog is →

Five minutes ago

You are under no obligation to be the same person you were 5 minutes ago. A quote from Alan Watts. What a simple and powerful idea. This is the →

Someone else’s joy

I was reading through Jay Sheatty’s book Think Like A Monk and in one part the author discussed empathy and concern. How those are worthwhile →


There’s some somewhat conflicting advice out there about identity and labels. Should one first declare themselves an ‘Artist’ or ‘Writer’. Then →


I’m curious about my motivations to be a Raconteur. A Storyteller. I don’t quite understand the all the things in this soup of motivation. I →

Photos are remembrances

I took this picture today, June 07 2021 around sunrise. When I looked at the picture on my phone, I thought to myself, “this picture doesnt do this →

On Coaching

I aspire to work more as a coach. Coaching is a part of my day job. It’s both something I enjoy and am somewhat good at. I’ve seen the results of →

An uncomfortable silence

Yesterday, at work, I asked a group of people some questions that caused “the longest, most uncomfortable silence in history” according to one →

A single drop

One drop of water landing upon a stone doesn’t do much to erode the stone. One drop of water, landing every minute of the day, for 100 years does. →

Outcomes and Output

Someone posts an illustration for feedback and they get questions like: “What tool did you use to do that”? Not “How did you do that”. How did you →

Tigers and Lizards

The Lizard Brain is the part of your brain responsible for handling threats. It determines if you should chose fight or flight when presented with →


The definition we tell ourselves of Introvert is “I do not like being around people”. And an Extravert is self-defined as “I do like being around →

What would I hate not doing

When deciding what to do in life, I find it helpful to ask what do I hate not doing? If I was to remove everything, what would I hate not doing the →



Great Minds


Make Them Feel


Monkey Mind on the Mountain

I’ve been skiing three or four times in my life until this year. The previous attempts didn’t end well due to my own self doubt, and my lack of →


Though the days, months or sometimes years go by, I’m lucky to have a small group of friends whom I can “jump right back in” with. Hearing their →


Last night, my wife and I were getting ready to go out for a date night. Just a quick dinner, at our favorite casual place, which is just a mile →

A Quiet Place

+++ title = “A Quiet Place” description = “It’s not about monsters, it’s about parenting.” date = 2018-09-05 author = “Chad Moore” +++ I watched the →


is the great equalizer. Time doesn’t care about your race, color, religion, politics, job, kinks, class, social status. Or any other thing we →

The Art of 3D Modeling at Digital Portsmouth

Last night I spoke a bit about how 3D models are used in games. Thanks to Josh Cyr and Monte Bohanan for having me for the Digital Portsmouth event. →