I picked up this cheap film camera called the Reto Ultra Wide and Slim to try it out. It’s made farily well, but… It’s composed of small seemingingly fragile parts (at least to my not nimble fingers). But it was cheap realtivley speaking. It fits in a pocket as it is super small. It has as no settings and really scratches that you never know what you’re going to get out of a wierd film camera itch.

Here’s my favorites from the first roll. I spent some time adjusting a couple of the images digitally, but just a couple of them.

In no particular order:

This is my personal favorite from the roll

My wonderful doggo, Maggie

Can you spot the bird?

Note to self: Remember to move your finger out of the way, next time.

Don’t worry I was not actually driving when I took this. Love that weird lens flare!