Hello, I am Chad Moore. Thank you for visiting.
This is my personal website/blog. I use this to share my thinking, philosophy, and interests. I’m not tracking anything you do on this site via any analytics.
I’ve titled the blog Becoming. Based off of the post I wrote about The Vertical Breath.
When we breathe in and out everything lives in the moment of that breath. The past, and it’s guilt, shame, highlights and the future, with all it’s unpredictability - it all lives in us now. In this breath. There is no before or after this moment. This moment is what we are becoming.
Above all else, I’m a father and husband.
- My other site Where Light Gathers has info about the creative work I do including comedy, graphic recording (I make large drawings based on your conversations), and applied improv (using improv comedy at the workplace for team building and so much more).
- I write and perform sketch comedy with Hey Party People! and improvise wherever and whenever I can get on a stage in front of audiences.
- Email me to get in touch
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